Greenside by Crocco

The new Sustainable Innovation model for flexible packaging.

Greenside is a new Sustainable Innovation model for flexible packaging supporting our customers to manufacture a product with compensated emissions.

Carbon neutral
CO2 emissions analysis
An innovative method to promote a low carbon economy and to provide a Carbon neutral product supporting the emissions reduction programs of our customers.

Reduction of the packagin thickness
La riduzione di spessore porta ad una minore quantità di film in termini di peso per unità imballata e quindi necessariamente ad una diminuzione della emissione di CO2 equivalente.

Development of products with renewable raw materials
Il polietilene biobased è un materiale di caratteristiche in tutto e per tutto simili ai prodotti tradizionali derivanti da combustibili di origine fossile. La differenza consiste nell'origine dei componenti di base, che nel caso del polietilene biobased derivano da fonti rinnovabili di origine vegetale (biomasse).

Use of rPE
Use of recycled/regenerated material
L'introduzione di polietilene riciclato all'interno di film prodotti attualmente con solo polimero vergine consente di chiudere il cerchio tra materiale a fine vita e materie prime e di raggiungere una vera e propria economia circolare.

Leaf - Compostable cling film
Disposable into the organic waste
Dall’innovazione di una filiera tutta italiana è nato il primo cling film biodegradabile e compostabile da fonte rinnovabile. Un nuovo imballaggio per alimenti che si trasforma a fine vita in risorsa per l'ambiente. Sempre più verso un'economia circolare favorevole al pianeta. Crocco presenta LEAF, la pellicola alimentare compostabile.

With our Greenside products we support our customers with a real green partnership

We support our customers in their projects of emissions reduction during the life cycle of their products. Greenside is a Sustainable Innovation Model for the complete range of Crocco products which provides customers with:

  • A carbon neutral film with compensated emissions.
  • An Eco-Design program to reduce the environmental impact.
  • Downgauging
  • Use of recycled or bio-based raw materials.

Words are important and the concepts they express are at the heart of the Greenside model.

Climate changes

The earth’s climate is the result of a complex and delicate balance that has always regulated the average temperature of the earth’s surface naturally and directly. Increased industrial activity, the use of fossil fuels and deforestation over the years have led to an enormous growth in the greenhouse gases that are present in nature; as a result the greenhouse effect and global warming are increasing.

Greenhouse gas

The most important and commonly known greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO2), is responsible for around 60% of temperature rise linked to the greenhouse effect. It is primarily produced by industrial processes and the use of fossil fuels for energy production.

The International Agreements

The need to limit the effects of climate change over the years has led to the signature of various international agreements among the major countries of the world, aimed to slow down the global warming process. One of the most important has been the approval of the Kyoto Protocol, which, since 2005, has imposed the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

COP – Conference of the Parties

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is the international decision-making system which establishes how to limit such changes. Promoted by the United Nations, it brings together 197 countries. The most renowned Conference has been the COP21, held in Paris, during which member nations set the objective of limiting the temperature rise to less than 1.5° C and significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the coming years.

LCA – Life Cycle Assement

LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) is one of the methods used to analyze a product’s environmental impact throughout its entire life, from the extraction and transformation of its raw materials to its production, transport, use, and final elimination. LCA offers companies an essential tool to design products with reduced environmental impact.

Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint is the unit of measure adopted internationally to aggregate all greenhouse gases in a single value (ex.: 1 kg of CO2-eq). Any product’s carbon footprint is calculated through LCA while respecting the accounting standards defined by ISO 14067:2018.

Emissions compensation

In addition to improving products’ environmental performance in order to reduce emissions, the Kyoto Protocol envisions the possibility to offset inevitable emissions and promote an effective low carbon economy. International agreements give companies the chance to economically support environmental efficiency projects, for example through the use of renewable energy sources, by means of which they can accumulate greenhouse gas emissions credits. Such credits are counted, certified, and placed on the market by officially recognized bodies. Companies can use these credits to offset their CO2-eq debts and while compensating for the emissions derived from their own products they become completely “carbon neutral”.

Crocco SpA SB, leading company in flexible packaging
Crocco has been the first company in Italy to take up the sustainability challenge.

Crocco SpA SB ha sottoscritto un apposito Accordo Volontario con il Ministero dell’Ambiente per ridurre e neutralizzare le proprie emissioni.

Greenside was born from this philosophy. It is a new method of planning a flexible packaging by respecting the most modern production philosophies that are based on the Circular Economy and on the reduction of the greenhouse gases.